REPLACEMENT Skylight glazing

Replacement Glazing - Replacement Skylight Glazing

new life for an old skylight

Aged, weathered and worn skylight glazings can be quickly and simply replaced. Skydome can supply replacement glazings for most brands of domed, tubular and glass skylights.

Glazing materials include opal, smoke or clear acrylic, strengthened polycarbonate and a range of glass types including single and double glazed glass. All replacement acrylic domes feature our UV Skyguard™ acrylic – reducing UV rays by 99%.

Call us with your dimensions and we can discuss options available. When possible send us a picture of the glazing you are trying to replace. This helps us to identify the make and model of your existing skylight.

Some standard acrylic dome sizes include

Your size not listed? Don’t worry we can custom make to your dimensions when required and sometimes adapt your existing base to suit one of our standard sizes.

645x645 645x945 645x1245 645x1345 745x745 745x945 745x1345
795x795 795x945 795x1245 795x2245 945x945 945x1245 945x1345
1045x1045 1045x1645 1045x2245 1145x1145 1245x1245 1345x1345 1645x1645

We Offer Tubular Skylights all makes & models

If you find that your skylight has been damaged, please contact us for repair or replacement.